Friday, May 24, 2024

No Need To Do Exercises To Keep Yourself Fit

If you consistently have an uneasy, unhealthy feeling, is it good? And will you be able to work at your best if you are not fit enough? There cannot be any doubts whatsoever over the answers to these questions because the answers are certainly in the negative. Of course, if you have an unhealthy feeling, you may look for suggestions that can help you lead a healthy life. But the suggestions of almost every expert out there consist only of diet and exercise regimens. Whether these regimens will certainly yield results or not is an ongoing debate. 

Setting aside this debate, there may be many who may readily embrace the suggestion of following a diet regimen consisting of nutritious foods. But they may have their own inhibitions or reservations towards opting for a good exercise regimen. If this strikes a chord with you, you may hate the word "exercises." In fact, the very word may intimidate you. Even if you make up your mind to begin your exercise regimen, you may not continue with it for long, thanks to your lack of grit or determination. So, how can you keep yourself fit without doing exercises? Is it possible? The answer is: Yes. It is possible to keep your fitness at the right level even without doing your daily exercises. How? We will find out in this post.

The fact is that not keeping fit can be the biggest sin you are committing. Remember that you can never achieve optimum productivity without being fit. Though eating nutritious foods and shunning unhealthy ones can help you, you will derive only 30% of the desired results from these steps. This means you cannot assume that you can be fully fit by opting for a nutritious diet regimen. The question now is: How can you fill the shortfall? Here are the suggestions:

1. Regardless of whether you are doing a desk job or a blue-collar job, you have to compulsorily take a break once every hour. This break is not meant for drinking coffee or other beverages or for eating snacks that may derail your efforts to keep fit. But the break is for taking micro walks such as a stroll in the nearby park or in an adjacent open space. In other words, you should provide enough "activity fodder" to your calf muscles. Remember the biological fact that your calf muscles are your second heart. The "activity fodder" you provide to them will do a world of good to help you keep fit.

Another suggestion may be that when you return home from your workplace, you can walk the distance. Of course, it may not be possible to walk to your workplace in the morning hours because you may be in a hurry. Even if your workplace is far away from your home, you can walk half the distance while returning home. 

Never use a vehicle to go to a nearby shopping mall, temple, or Church. Simply put, you should always find opportunities to keep your calf muscles strong so that you can be certain of your overall fitness.

2. The assumption that the nutritious foods you consume will supply all the nutrients your body requires is wrong. One of the nutrients known as Brown Fat or Brown Adipose Tissue is a body shrinker and researchers have found that this nutrient can help people keep their fitness at the desired levels. Unfortunately, the nutrients you consume may not provide you with this nutrient known as BAT. This means you have to necessarily go for supplements to get this nutrient. If you consume these supplements regularly, you can keep fit and at the same time, need not worry about getting overweight or fat.

In summary, if you are an exercise-hater, you need not worry about your fitness. You can embrace the above steps and lead a healthy life. This is not to advocate a dislike towards good exercise regimens. If possible, you can design one that suits you. But sticking to the regimen is important. The suggestions given in the post except the one that talks about supplements are purely for those who go crazy when somebody talks about exercise regimens.

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