Friday, May 17, 2024

Why Should You Get Rid Of Your Excess Body Weight Or Fat And How Should You Go About It?

According to a survey, nearly 70% of the people of the United States, which is said to be on top in the list of developed countries of the world are either obese or overweight, By innuendo, you can assume that the scenario in other parts of the world is similar to what prevails in the USA. Almost everyone knows that it is the BMI or the Body Mass Index that is taken into consideration for categorizing healthy people and those facing obesity or overweight issues. The standards experts adopt for this go like this: If a person has a BMI ranging from 18.5 to 24.9, experts consider him or her healthy. On the contrary, if the person's BMI is between 25 and 29.9, he or she is overweight. If the BMI is above 30, he or she has obesity issues. People with high BMI have greater chances of getting affected by diabetes, cardiovascular ailments, blood pressure problems, sleep-related issues, etc. 

Apart from these major ailments, obese or overweight people may experience pain, low energy levels, etc. as well. In view of these reasons, it is imperative that you should get rid of your excess fat or body weight. How do you go about this process? Let us find out. But before that, let us know the reasons for gaining weight or becoming obese.

1. Aging.

As people age, their metabolism gets slackened and so, the rate at which the calories they consume are burned comes down. Thanks to such unburned calories, they are likely to gain weight or become obese.

2. Consuming more calories than their body needs.

If a person consumes more calories than his or her body needs, the excess calories will get stored as body fat. For some people, the extra calories they consume will result in being overweight. Studies reveal that those who do not see any results for their slimming efforts get desperate. Out of desperation, they turn crazy and so, indulge in compulsive consumption of more calories than necessary. 

Even among obese people, those who have more visceral fat face more risks such as diabetes, high BP, and high cholesterol. What is visceral fat? It is the fat that gets stored under the abdomen and this fat fills the spaces between the organs in the abdominal region. On the other hand, subcutaneous fat gets stored beneath the skin.

What should you do to get rid of your excess fat or body weight?

1. Shift to a healthy diet.

If you have all along been ignoring what you eat, pause for a moment and give a serious thought to what is on your platter. Only then, you can shift to a healthy diet regimen. Your platter should have more fiber foods. Of course, proteins are a must as well but never forget the fact that if you consume more protein than necessary, it will also get converted into fat. Foods that contain good fats and carbohydrates should also be an integral part of your daily diet so that you can experience a satiated feeling and at the same time, be energetic also.

2. Cardio exercises.

Your exercise regimen should necessarily consist of cardio exercises such as aerobics, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, etc. Apart from helping you lose weight or fat, these exercises are good for the health of your heart..

3. Strength-training exercises.

Strength-training exercises should be a part of your exercise regimen. These exercises will help you lose extra pounds or the extra fat on your body. More importantly, they will help in your mental health also because you will feel more confident when the strength of your body is at optimum levels. 

4. Supplements.

Though the human body produces a number of nutrients, you cannot assume that you will get all the nutrients from your body itself. So, it becomes imperative that you consume the right supplements that can help you in jettisoning your excess fat or weight. More particularly, the supplements you consume should optimize BAT or brown adipose tissue levels. There is empirical evidence to prove that BAT burns calories round the clock and converts them into natural energy.

In closing, you can certainly get rid of the excess fat or weight on your body and lead a healthy life by following the above rules.

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