Saturday, May 14, 2011

Keep Fit And Lead A Healthy Life

It is a proven fact that those who live a passive lifestyle are prone to be affected by health problems. Especially, serious ailments like heart diseases, diabetes, blood-pressure related diseases and so on will be waiting in the wings to affect those living a docile life. A survey shows that in UK alone, more than 70% of the adult population have heart ailments and about a quarter of them admit that they are terribly lazy. If you look at the scenario in Australia, 33% of the adult population are found to live a passive lifestyle and their health conditions are far from satisfactory.

The above facts amply prove that being fit is highly important and it can keep a person in the pink of health. Even dreadful diseases like cancer will not affect physically fit people. Since your High Density Lipoprotein will be maintained at the right levels, you need not have fears of cholesterol-related problems. Another great advantage in being physically fit is that it gives a sense of well-being to the individual. The neurons of the brain are also found to work faster and more efficiently in people who take utmost care of their fitness. This will naturally boost their self-confidence and enthusiasm.

Even in stressful situations, you are advised to hit the gym and do light exercises. This will not only divert your mind from the stress-causing problems but will help you to fight your anxiety also.

This is not to suggest that you should not immediately enroll yourself in a gym and start your work-outs. It is not good also. You are advised to make small beginnings and increase the fitness activities gradually. Your body should get conditioned to physical activity because all along, you have been living a sluggish pace of life. Shaking off your laziness suddenly may lead to trouble. It should be a slow process and you should adopt patience. You can start with walking, which is called "the queen of exercises". Once you get used to it, you can graduate to the next level of brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming and other cardiovascular exercises. But, these cardiovascular exercises should be followed by weight-training exercises and you should consult a competent physical trainer and do only those exercises that may suit your physique. However, these weight-training exercises come at a later stage when your body gets conditioned to full-fledged physical exercises.

You should change the foods you eat also accordingly. If you are fond of spicy and junk foods, you should immediately reduce eating them. These foods cause laziness. You should immediately switch to eating more of fiber foods like fresh fruits and leafy vegetables, wholesome grains, beans, etc. These fiber foods are also called fat-burning diets and they do not contribute to increase in your calories. They will also supply a good amount of nutrition to your system and this will help you in surmounting your problem of laziness.

By following the above tips, you can improve your fitness and lead a happy and healthy life.

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