Monday, May 16, 2011

Physical Fitness and Mental and Emotional Health

A lot of research has gone into establishing the link between physical well-being and mental and emotional health. These experts have proved beyond doubt that if we do not maintain physical fitness, it will have a negative effect on our mental and emotional health. So, our daily lives get affected and this may tilt the scales against us in our career or profession also.

Cardiovascular exercises and strength training exercises improve the functioning of our brain also in addition to helping us to maintain our physical fitness. When we do our cardiovascular exercises, the efficiency of our heart and lungs improves and so, more oxygen is carried by our blood to all the parts of our body including our brain. This improves our capacity to think more clearly. So, we make the right decisions even at crucial junctures, thus improving our overall life. Likewise, muscle-building exercises also help the brain to think in the right perspective because of the increased blood flow.

When more oxygen is supplied to all our body parts including our brain, our memory system improves. Further, a few hormones are secreted due to such an increased blood flow and these hormones are capable of helping us to manage our stress levels. That is the reason experts advise us to hit the gym or do our work-outs when we face anxiety, depression or stress. A work-out for about thirty minutes will be able to relieve us of our tension and we will be able to think more clearly. This may give even unusual and unique solutions for our problems.

Experts also say that work-outs are a very good antidote for negative emotions. If negative emotions are thus removed from our mind, it can be life-changing. It is a known fact that negative thinking is like a cobweb that can hamper our growth. So, by doing our daily exercises, we can get rid of this negative attitude and supplant positive emotions in our mind. This becomes possible because certain natural chemicals are produced when we do our work-outs and they calm our mind. We greatly benefit from these chemicals because they can regulate our thinking process in addition to improving our energy levels.

When there is an improved blood circulation, the creative powers of our brain are also triggered. It is a known fact that the right hemisphere of our brain governs creativity, imagination and lateral thinking. So, creative people and those who use their right brains more often are advised to do their regular work-outs. Famous and world-class Chess players are said to do their daily exercises without fail because this helps them not only to keep them fit but to give them the required creative power for playing their games more successfully. If you emulate them and do your daily exercises religiously, you can come out with innovative and novel ideas and this will help you to climb up your career ladder or to succeed phenomenally in your profession.

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